This series revolves around a Civil War veteran - John Carter - who stumbles on a pathway between Mars and Earth and is unexpectedly transported to Mars (a Mars as the author imagined based on the knowledge of his time). He encounters a variety of strange creatures and not so different human inhabitants and the stories in the series describe the adventures he encounters with the creatures he finds on this new planet. They are good fun (or at least that is how I remember them - it has been a few years).
I first encountered the writings of Edgar Rice Burroughs during a rather rain soaked vacation to Minnesota in the late 1970's. It started with the first Tarzan book, and after I had devoured that series, purchased 2 or 3 at a time to read during the downpours, I raced through the Martian tales. Below is the cover art from the Del Rey series I read published in 1979 (I still have every book in this series and the Tarzan series from that summer - thanks Mom). I don't think that I have read them since, but you can see what might have drawn the interest of a fourteen year old boy.

When I heard that a movie was being made of these books I was excited. I have thought for quite a few years that if they could make Star Wars they certainly could make a decent movie with this story. I had hoped that this effort would not fail my expectations and for the most part I have to say it was all that I had hoped it would be. It was great fun. In particular, the characters were much as I had imagined them, probably greatly influenced by the cover art of Michael Whelan. I highly suspect the designers of this movie were greatly influenced by his interpretation of the characters as well. In particular, the four-armed green men (Tharks) in the illustration above look just like those in the movie.
The movie is exactly what it should have been - an imaginary adventure to strange places with a basic plot of doing what is right. With lots of great action scenes and believable aliens all rolled into the mix.
I hope that there will be sequels to this first go-around but I am afraid that the poor marketing (which appeared to assume that everyone knew the premise of the story, not just middle-aged men) and the large price tag of production of this movie no matter how well it does will doom more John Carter adventures on the big screen. That will be a shame. These are good stories that I feel I can share with my boys at the movies. At least I still have the books though and perhaps that will be enough. They too can enjoy the written words and make their own mental movie like I did so many years ago. The movie has certainly gotten me interested in going back to Mars with John Carter again.
Hi John
It was great to read your comments I am hoping to go see John Carter this weekend. I had been looking forward to it since I saw the first trailer. I have a large collection of Burroughs and reread the first couple of Mars books a month ago, It was nice to see something positve about the movie as most comments seem directed at the marketing and started before people had even seen the movie.
Well, John, it isn't only men who were ERB fans! I started with "Tarzan at thr Earth's Core" due mainly to the cover art by Frank Frazetta. This led to reading all the Tarzan series and the Pelucidar series - with more fantastic Frazetta art. I moved on to Conan (more Frazetta) and never got to the Mars or Venus series but did pick up several individual stories and even 2 westerns by ERB. We, too, were greatly anticipating JCM and enjoyed it immensely. There's nothing like a good story. The movie prompted me to read "Princess of Mars" - this time on my Kindle with no great cover art (some of the advances of technology, though convenient, aren't as edifying). Ready now to read through the series. Thanks for your honest review!
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