
Monday, May 7, 2007

There and Back Again (with apologies to Bilbo Baggins)

Finally back home again! Shortly before I got back to Fort Peck from my trip to Colorado, Laura called to tell me that her Grandfather had passed away. He was our last grandparent and a very good man and it was an easy choice for us to make to attend the funeral. The only problem was that it was in Omaha on Tuesday morning. So, Monday afternoon I was heading back to the Billings Airport, this time with two small boys and Laura on our way to Omaha. Benton had a grand adventure in the airplanes and really liked watching the cars and buildings get small. We arrived late at night on Monday and stayed with Laura's aunt and uncle. The funeral took place on a very nice spring day with Chimney Swifts chittering overhead. I was very honored to be a pallbearer for the funeral and we had a very nice and simple ceremony for a man that didn't like anyone to fuss over him.
We spent the rest of the week on Omaha visiting with Laura's relatives. We were able to take the boys to the Omaha Zoo and it was fun to listen to Benton talk about the different species he recognized at the penguin exhibit. I had planned on getting out either Friday or Saturday morning for a little birding at the Fontenelle Forest but it was raining pretty hard both mornings so I wound up not going.
It was nice to see Chimney Swifts all over Omaha and when I arrived back in Fort Peck and went to my Mom and Dad's house to pick up the dogs, the Chimney Swifts that nest in the chimney at the old school across the street were observed for the first time this spring.

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