
Monday, June 4, 2007

Montana Bird Festival photos

Here are a few photos from my recent trip to Ennis, MT for the Montana Audubon Bird Festival. These Gray Flycatchers and Sage Sparrows were new birds for Montana for me. It was a nice time and thanks to Nate Kohler for finding leading the field trip for these birds. More to follow.

Gray Flycatcher
Gray Flycatcher
Gray Flycatcher
Sage Sparrow
Sage Sparrow
Sage Sparrow


  1. John,

    Nice photos of both the Gray Flycatcher and the Sage Sparrow, the latter definitely being worth ripping your shorts for!

  2. Cool that you saw Sage Sparrows! I looked at a range map and noticed they don't go very far into Montana.
    The Gray Flycatcher either. Are they maybe expanding, or are they in a specific area? I can't wait to visit Montana! Sounds like a great place to go birding!

  3. We certainly have found more individuals of both of these species in recent years. Probably much of this is a result of more people looking for them, but they may also be expanding in the area. Formerly, Sage Sparrows ranged much farther north in Montana but disappeared from those portions of their range.
    Montana is a great place to go birding. I will post more about this soon. John

  4. Hey men great pictures, To be a photographer is not whatever person, you need talent and be creative, and you definitely are. Congrats for those fabulous pics.
