
Thursday, March 27, 2008

Birding in Northeastern Montana

If you are interested in birding in one of the best places to see large numbers of grassland birds in North America here are a couple of things you might be interested in. One of my goals when I moved back to Northeastern Montana was to promote the birding opportunities in the area and hopefully bring additional "value" to the prairie beyond the traditional grazing, hunting, and oil and gas production and these are two efforts I helped initiate to help meet that goal.

The first is a new addition to the Montana Nature and Birding Trail, an online resource for birding sites in MT. The Northeastern Plains Birding Trail, which up until now has existed pretty much as a hard copy product, is now online. See it here. Let me know if you have any feedback on the site. We are still working out some things we noticed that need to be fixed but hopefully this site will be helpful for those of you interested in birding here. If you would like a hard copy of the trail see this website (then scroll down).

I also wanted to let everyone know about the Glasgow Feather Fest. This is an annual event we put on in Glasgow to highlight the prairie birds of the surrounding landscape. It is a small festival with lots of great birds.

Click on the image above to see a larger version and all the info on the poster.
Here is a copy of the brochure (hopefully I will have that posted tomorrow - I can't find the whole brochure right now) with a registration for the event. We currently don't have much of a web presence for the festival but that is something we will be working on. If you have any questions can contact me for more information.

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