
Saturday, May 10, 2008


I have received a number of very nice comments over the last few weeks that I just haven't responded to and I would like to do so now. I would like to thank all of you who provided kind words on my writing and photos. There are a few that need a bit more of a response than a thank you though. I apologize right now if I miss anyone. In no particular order:

Trixie - The orchids are doing fine right now with some fairly humid (for Eastern Montana) weather and long hours of daylight. We'll see how well it goes through the coming winter with the extreme dryness and reduced light.

Kiggavik - I have thought about a tower but not for very long! The top of the house will have to do for now.

Beverly - Thanks for the inquiry. You made me blush a bit but sorry, no brothers. I have two wonderful sisters.

Dr Hypercube - No, not Stickley but certainly a step up to something nice for us.

Clare - Thanks for all the comments. I hope the new Moleskins look nice. I still haven't worked up a design but hope to do so soon.

Thanks too to all of you who stop by to see what I have posted without commenting.

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