
Saturday, June 6, 2009

A few new links

If you are a frequent visitor here and take the time to check out the blogs I have linked to on my sidebar, you may have noticed a few new entries into the list.
Two of them are blogs about bird songs. The first,, which I found thanks to Bill Schmoker at BirdPics, is a blog by Nathan Pieplow. From Nathans site I found BIRD CALLS and SONGS by Paul Driver. I really enjoy both of these blogs because they provide sound files and sonograms as part of their posts.
The next blog I just found out about is another Montana blog with an emphasis on birding done by Bob Martinka. Bob is a retired Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks employee who got back into birding with a vengence when he retired. He has some wonderful photos and I look forward to being able to see more of his photos and stories. Bob's blog is BirdManBob. We are both in Great Falls, MT for the Montana Audubon state bird festival so I am sure we will both have some perspectives on this event in the next couple of days.

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