
Saturday, December 12, 2009

Guys and Dogs

It has been a long fall. I am working on the wildlife section for a plan for over 3 million acres of land and it is consuming me. Hence the lack of posting around here.
I had a great diversion from work this fall in the form of four of my best friends spending a week here. We are all wildlife biologists that met a quarter of a century ago at the University of Montana. We usually all get together every few years in the fall to go hunting. The past few times it has been here at Fort Peck. We have had a lot of good times over the years and although the definition of what a good time is has changed as time has passed, this year was no different.

We did some bird hunting.

Addie retrieves a Sharp-tailed Grouse

Murphy - The old guy makes a retrieve

We also spent a lot of time visiting, telling a few stories, and having a beer or two.

Uncle Tim reading to the boys.

It is really nice having friends that even though we haven't really talked in months, as soon as we get together we pick up right where we left off.

Ben, Tim and Riley


Tom and Gracie

Tim and Riley

It was a great week with the guys and our dogs. I really appreciate their friendship and I look forward to the next time we get together.

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