
Monday, December 20, 2010

Fort Peck CBC

On Saturday I participated in the Fort Peck CBC for the ??th (??rd?) time. I have been doing this bird count on and off since I was about 12 so I am not sure how many times I have actually participated. We had about twelve participants and observed 38 species. We also had to deal with the most snow we have had in a number of years and we were unable to reach a few areas along the river that are usually the more productive areas.

The highlight for me was the four Rusty Blackbirds we found below the dam. There have been Rusty Blackbirds wintering here for the last few years and it was nice to find them again for the CBC. We also had a quick observation of a Goshawk, another rather uncommon bird for the area but one that we usually manage to find on bird count day. It was somewhat cold which made the river rather foggy and we probably missed a few birds but probably not many species. We certainly didn't miss the lunch and dinner my Mom put on again this year. Far better than the burger and fries I used to get at the now-defunct local diner when we first started!

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