
Thursday, July 28, 2011

Spring photos Vol 1

My last out-and-about post described my lek therapy morning with the Greater Sage-Grouse. I also was able to enjoy a morning of Sharp-tailed Grouse lek therapy as well. It wasn't the best morning for photography, but every morning on a lek is a great morning.

On my way home I visited a pair of Mountain Bluebirds nesting in a bluebird box along the highway.

Western Meadowlarks never sounded so good this spring.

One of the highlights of my travels back and forth between Billings and Fort Peck was a Sandhill Crane nest just off the highway. I was only able to stop and take photos one morning before the spring floods rendered that route to Billings impassable.

The next time I was able to travel this route the birds were gone and the nest was overgrown with cattails.

1 comment:

  1. Hi John

    Wow you have taken some great bird photos I especially like the crane and grouse shots. It sounds like you have been very busy. I am sorry to hear you will not get the chance to visit the ice but it sounds like you will have lots to keep you busy.

