I arrived in summer at 0700 this morning and it is taking me a bit to adjust from -14 degree weather and white, to 80 degrees and green with flowers. Immigration and customs were uneventful and I was able to practice my Spanish a bit with a very nice taxi driver on the way to the hotel. Once a year just doesn’t help me get more fluent but at least I can have a bit of a conversation. The first bird for Chile this morning was a white heron or egret but I couldn’t get a better ID when looking down on the birds out the window of the plane while landing. Upon landing and during our taxi to the get to the gate, my first identifiable bird was a Chimango Caracara, the ubiquitous bird of prey that probably fills a niche here similar to one the American Crow fills in North America. At least it was an actual Chilean bird, not the Rock Pigeon the I observed next. On the drive to the hotel I observed many more Rock Pigeons as well as a number of Southern Lapwings in the fields near the airport.
Upon checking in, I was able to play one of the three bears a bit and found someone had been sleeping in my room. A quick trip to the desk and I was able to get a clean room. After a quick unpack of essentials, I melted into the bed and was out for the next five hours.
After waking up I was able to find a few Eared Doves and Austral Thrushes flying around the grounds of the hotel.
This evening I took a walk at a nearby park and amidst a large number of Chileanos enjoying a wonderful Sunday afternoon. I found a number of birds including a Rufous-tailed Plantcutter, a Plain-mantled Tit Spinetail (t

I'm glad that you got a window seat, however, I generally like aisle seats. And even being shorter, I don't get much sleep on planes either. Plus there's so much going on - like trying to sleep at a hospital (only worse of course). Did you get another phrase book? What were the first words you said in Spanish?
I can't remember the first words of Spanish I uttered this trip. Probably "Vino tino por favor" on the plane!
Ewww, gross about the slept-in bed.
What a fantastic picture of the bird!
Have you ever seen White-winged Diuca-finch? I'm reviewing a paper about them nesting at 5200 m in Peru on the glacier ice of the Quelccaya Ice Cap
Have you ever seen White-winged Diuca-finch? I'm reviewing a paper about them nesting at 5200 m in Peru on glacier ice of the Quelccaya Ice Cap.
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